Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Determine if an Entity is Eligible to Participate in a Relationship Type Using VB.NET in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

This illustration shows how to programmatically determine if an entity is eligible to participate in a relationship typ  in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in code using VB.NET.  

There are three different SDK web service messages highlighted in this post.  They are:
  • GetValidManyToManyRequest: Get list of entities that can participate in many to many relationships
  • GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest: Get list of entities that can particaipate in one to many relationships as the "many" entity
  • GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest: Get list of entities that can particaipate in one to many relationships as the "one" entity

Ok, here is what the code looks like!
Here's the VB.NET Code:

Dim req As New GetValidManyToManyRequest()
Dim resp As GetValidManyToManyResponse = DirectCast(slos.Execute(req), GetValidManyToManyResponse)

'Get list of entities that can particaipate in one to many relationships as the "many" entity
Dim req2 As New GetValidReferencedEntitiesRequest()
Dim resp2 As GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse = DirectCast(slos.Execute(req2), GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse)

'Get list of entities that can particaipate in one to many relationships as the "one" entity
Dim req3 As New GetValidReferencingEntitiesRequest()
Dim resp3 As GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse = DirectCast(slos.Execute(req3), GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse)

'now you can get the entitie names this way for each response by examining the response.entitynames property

Thats all there is to it!

I hope this helps!

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