Thursday, April 25, 2013

Strange Address Behavior On Account and Contact in CRM 2011

I have noticed that if you put a customer address sub-grid on an account or contact form you can see the two out of the box addresses that are created when you create the record.

Just a note about these.  Do not delete them.  If you do the record won't work right and you will not be able to update your record until you re-create them.


-Happy Thursday.

Monday, April 15, 2013

CRM Gamified Can Help You Boost Your User Adoption for CRM 2011!

The topic of gamification is not new, but CRM Gamified just released a great solution that allows you to apply it to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  Gamification plays on ones natural competitive instincts (like playing a game), but in a non-game context.

Gamification can be useful in the CRM context as user-adoption can be lackluster when users aren't incentivised properly to use the new system.  By turning it into a game of sorts you can improve the drive towards full-adoption.

Here is a terrible picture of me from Convergence 2013 trying out one part of their app.

At least I won an XBOX 360 for my humiliation.  :)   But seriously, I recommend you check out their solution at

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Azure Service Bus Changes to CRM 2011 Integration Changes (ACTION REQUIRED!!)

Azure Service Bus Changes to CRM 2011 Integration Changes (ACTION REQUIRED!!)

Word was just released today about impending changes to some Security around the CRM 2011 to Azure Service bus integration capabilities in CRM

This means that you need to make some configuration changes on your end or your Azure Service Bus integrations WILL STOP WORKING.

The go live date for the new Certs is different by region, they are below:

North America: 4/28/2013
EMEA: 7/26/2013
APAC: 7/25/2013

Get more info here:

-Hope this helps!

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Data Import Wizard Appears to be Broken in Google Chrome

Thanks to a blog reader it has come to my attention that the data import wizard seems to be broken if used from Google Chrome.  The "Choose File" button does not product a dialog.  It currently isn't doing anything.

I have tested this in versions 25.0.1364.172 m and version 26.0.1410.43 m

For now, if you want to use the Data Import wizard, use IE or FireFox.

This has been reported to Microsoft.

-Have a great day!

Monday, April 1, 2013

CRM 2013 Release Date will be Q1 of 2015

CRM 2013 Release Date will be Q1 of 2015!

More details to come....

 Maybe... ;)