Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ADFS Self Signed Certificates and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

ADFS Self-Signed Certificates are used for internal encryption and are separate from your SSL certificates.   You can sometimes experience a situation where these internal certificates auto-rollover.  when this happens it will bring CRM down.

Below is a blog that has a fix for this that seems to work if you follow all the steps to a T:


Additionally there is a way to push the date out using Powershell to make the renewal duration more like 5 years instead of every 365 days.

- Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Year of Changes!

What a crazy Year, I have a new job with TechAir Group, a new child (Finnley James), a lot of new responsibilities.

Even more exciting is the new version of Dynamics CRM.  I have been renewed as an MVP this year so I am sure it will be a great year.

Happy 2015!