Currently in the SDK in the \sdk\samplecode\cs\client\SoapLogger folder there is a great solution called the SOAP Logger that allows you to capture SOAP packets for CRM 2011 based on C# calls in .NET. This is great for debugging purposes but is also very helpful when trying to generate Jscript calls by the methodology shown here:
Up until now, there was only a tool for C# and none available for VB.NET. I have taken the SDK C# version, referenced and built upon it, and created a version that works the same way for VB.NET. This allows you to write your .NET calls that you want to generate in Jscript or debug in VB.NET instead of C#. I feel that there hasn't been a whole lot of good support out there in the VB.NET realm for CRM developers and this should help remedy part of that problem..
You can download the solution from MSDN Code Gallery Here:
Just like the C# version, just fill in the code in the spot provided, build, and run the solution and enter your server and credentials where prompted. Then the output.txt file will automatically be generated in the execution folder upon successful execution.
I hope this helps!
This is a great logging library: